
Bacon and Herb Cream Cheese

  1. In small bowl, mix cream cheese, bacon, herbs, salt, pepper, and garlic together until blended well.
  2. Serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to use. 

Turkey Bagel Sandwiches

  1. Heat a medium sized skillet over medium to medium-high heat.
  2. While skillet is heating slice tomato into 8 slices, thinly slice red onion and peel lettuce from head.
  3. Place Sugardale Uncured Honey Turkey Breast into heated skillet and warm. Once warm, place cheese slice on top and melt.
  4. While cheese melts, toast bagels if desired.
  5. Spread prepared bacon and herb cream cheese on to both sides of the bagel
  6. Layer turkey, tomato, lettuce, and onion on bottom half of bagel. Top with other half of bagel.
  7. Serve immediately.